Kids Classes

  • Competition Classes

    Competitive classes are only available to sign up during summer. A tryout is required to join any of our competition classes. Please note after the summer competition spaces are only available if someone drops out or becomes injured. For more information on these please get in touch.

  • Tiny Tots - Age 3-4

    This year we have changed our tiny tot class format slightly. All tiny tots classes will focus around the foundations of movement including running, jumping, kicking, throwing. Tumbling will be the main cheerleading skill we will be working on; this includes forwards rolls, backwards rolls, handstands and prerequisite for cartwheels/ bridge. Athletes will also learn the basic level stunts, dance and flexibility. They will be given the opportunity to use the pom poms during the term and will learn through a range of games, obstacle courses, dance and songs. Several games and activities carried out during class will also help with numeracy and literacy skills.

  • Parent and Toddler age 4 and under

    Parent and toddler classes run as an open gym format. Meaning equipment will be put out you bring your child in to go around our obstacle courses. They can play on the equipment or practice tumbling. A coach will be on hand to help where needed.

  • Cheer classes age 5+

    We run a variety of recreational cheer classes available at different times of the week for different age groups. Throughout the term athletes will spend time working on their tumbling skills, while also learning a variety of stunts, jumps and a little dance. At the end of Christmas term and summer term these individual skills will be put together to make up a cheerleading routine, which athletes will get the opportunity to showcase at the end of year at our annual summer showcase. Cheer athletes will not use pompoms.

  • Pom Dance age 5+

    We run a variety of Pom classes available for athletes who are more focused on the dance aspect of performance cheer. At Pom class athletes will work on improving their tumbling skills, as well as learning different aspects of Pom such as leaps, jumps, arm motions, footwork and tricks/lifts. They will also learn dance choreography using the pompoms. At the end of Christmas term and summer term the skills the athlete has learned will be put together to create a longer Pom routine. This routine can then be showcased at our annual summer showcase.

  • Tumbling Age 5+

    We take pride in offering a variety of tumbling classes to suit the needs of our athletes. All tumbling classes will use a variety of tumble lines, conditioning and tumbling drills to help them build their strength, flexibility and improve their tumble ability.

    Tumble level one – In this class athletes will work on our full range of level one skills. This includes forward rolls, backwards rolls, bridge, cartwheel, handstand, round off, back bend, kick over, front and back walkovers and Valdez. Drills will be adapted to suit the needs of the athlete.

    Tumble level two – In this class athletes will work on their level two skills. To be able to attend this class athletes must be invited or be able to do all level one skills listed above. This class will focus on achieving front handspring, back handspring, round off back handspring and handspring variations. Drills will be adapted to suit the needs of the athlete.

    Ninja Tumbles – Ninja tumble is a themed tumbling class. This class will run in the same format as both of our other tumbling classes, but with a ninja or superhero themed station included in our tumble drills. Drills will be adapted to suit the needs of the athlete.

    Please note: Because these classes are not performance based they will only have the opportunity to do one performance for the summer showcase, which will be worked on during class from Easter onwards.


Term Payments

Kid’s can do one class as a trial priced at £7. Classes are paid for by term. Term payment are £62

Term one 26th August - 3rd November

Term two 4th November - 22nd December

Term Three 6th January - 23rd March

Term four 24th March - 21st June

Multiclass/ Family discount

We run discounts for athletes attending multiple classes or siblings attending classes Athletes attending multiple classes will receive the following discount:

Two classes per week - 15% off total

Three classes per week - 25% off total

Four classes per week - 30% off total

Five classes per week - 40% off total

Six classes per week - 45% off total

Registration fee

All athletes have a £25 registration fee which includes team insurance, music for the use of class and a Nemesis season T-shirt.

This must be paid when your child joins and then is due before the first term every year.